Big news
We are now on a different server
Remember this?
This box?
That motherfucking box, had been upgraded, had It's layout changed and much, much more
Now you are probobly wondering why I am posting this on a new post
Well besides being cool as can be, It Is also hosting the website you are reading this on
That's right friends, this website Is working on a goddamn breadbox, proxied trough Cloudflare zero trust
It's running pure like this, no docker, no anything
Mostly 'cuz I couldn't be bothered to set It up, but It works, right?
Huge thanks to Luka for hosting this one so far. You can expect the new updates with major upgrades now that I can write non-static code.
Besides just working better, we, yes WE are going to revamp the looks a little
And when I say a little I actually mean a lot, you can visit the prototype-mockup-thing:
All the credits go to my friend Ren for doing this - Thank you brother!
Honestly writing anything CSS realted Is literal space engineering for me, so yes, I won't be doing It
Home Is here