T thing is assembled out of like 5 differrent computers and the total cost is somewhere areound 10 dollars
The motherboard is a MSI C847MS-E33, and I know you don't really care, It came with a dual-core CPU, Intel C847
I found it for around 8 bucks on a local website, and I tought It needed some love, so.. I bought It. Here is the seller's orginal image:
Then, I needed something to run the motherboard, a power supply, I bought It for around 4 bucks, but I didn't take any pictures of It.
Great It now works, but we can't leave It like this, all open to get dusty. So... I put it in an old bread box I found In my basement
I think we are missing something...RAM! My friend has some old computer parts, and just kinda donated a 4GB DDR3 stick, basically just what I needed
That is about It, the full computer! Great! Check out the rest of the website By the way
Edit: Since the time this was posted, the server has been upgraded with 4 more gigabytes of RAM and a 350GB HDD. Works even better now. Still lacking a good Internet dongle tho