Vegetable oil as alternative to diesel
In the last few weeks, I've been quite obsessed with finding an eco friendly alternative to traditional fuel.
While scouring the internet for any interesting papers. I've found something very interesting
A research paper, written by Zbarcea O, Scarpete D. and Vrabie V. Showcasing that it is possible to use vegetable oil as diesel
The paper is somewhat vague about how It works. But reading It I found out that emissions from using vegetable oil are,
lower than standar diesel, to quote the paper "emissions from the vegetable oil and its blends are lower"
Which is mighty great, but it also caused engine clogging, and the emissions vary on the mileage of the vehicle
To quote the paper "The emissions vary depending on the condition of the vehicle. The differences may increase with the mileage, the age of the engine
technology and the degree of engine clogging"
If you are interested, pdf is here: